Friday, September 28, 2007

Jardin - Liquits

Despierto en mi jardin
las flores se burlaban de mi, desnudo
Vuela la libelula
junto a una luciérnaga brillar la noche

Se pintan melodias
que salen de la flauta de un dragón, en melotron

Gotas de rocio reflejan mi mirada
de forma deforme
Pastel de pitufresa mezclado con peyote natural
y moras..

Un baile de amapolas me invitan a su juego a bailar..
...en bolas
Caballos mecedora escoltan la cabeza del rey.. feliz
de pronto una cigueña me lleva de paquete bebe al nido
al lado un mexicano
pintaba los manzanos dorado neon
Gusanos disfrazados de gusanos en estado resistol

Quiero correr desnudo en un jardin
Quiero correr desnudo en la ciudad
Quiero correr desnudo en paris
Quiero correr desnudo y ser feliz
Quiero correr desnudo en Timbugtú
Quiero correr desnudo en Xicalco

Llevame - Soraya Arnelas

The One - Frankie J

Baby you're the one for me
You're the one girl
Superfly and so sexy
Baby you're the one for me
You're the one girl
Won't you come and put it on me
Baby you're the one for me
You're the one boy
Superfly and so sexy
Baby you're the one for me
Won't you come and put it on me

Now I'm not sure
If I'm applying myself so good on you
But I must say that I be checkin' you out when you roll through my hood
Got everybody like, damn, who's that, introduce me
What's her name, who she with, she a cutie
What she doin', what she lookin' like that
Well she with me as a matter of fact
She's my girl, my chic, ridin' with me in my whip
She's my boo, me friend, so with her I get my freak on

Baby you're the one for me
You're the one girl
Superfly and so sexy
Baby you're the one for me
You're the one girl
Won't you come and put it on me
Baby you're the one for me
You're the one boy
Superfly and so sexy
Baby you're the one for me
Won't you come and put it on me

She's the one
He's the one

Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the Lord my baby to keep
It's his touch, his smile, his sweater, his style
He's fly and he's all mine
I don't mind, he's out late at night
He's my best friend, I trust him
So promise me, you'll always do me right
He's my boo, my man
Riding with me til the end
He's my boy, my friend
See with him I get's my freak on

Baby you're the one for me
You're the one girl
Superfly and so sexy
Baby you're the one for me
You're the one girl
Won't you come and put it on me
Baby you're the one for me
You're the one boy
Superfly and so sexy
Baby you're the one for me
Won't you come and put it on me

She's the one
He's the one

She my homie lover friend
And I'll love her til the end
I'm so glad that she's the one for me, oh yea
She's my homie lover friend
She's a dime a perfect ten
And I'm glad that she's the one for keeps

Baby you're the one for me
You're the one girl
Superfly and so sexy
Baby you're the one for me
You're the one girl
Won't you come and put it on me
Baby you're the one for me
You're the one boy
Superfly and so sexy
Baby you're the one for me
Won't you come and put it on me

She's the one
He's the one

I like the way you are
The special things you do
Oh baby you're the one
Yea you know you're my boo

Maria - Cafe Tacuba

Sale sola de noche Maria,
pena por la ciudad,
recorriendo las calles que un dia,
nego besos en la oscuridad.
Y se nubla la vista Maria,
porque duele recordar,
que los besos negados Maria,
nunca mas regresaran.
En las noches por ese camino,
algo extraño puede pasar,
al sentir en los labios el frio,
de otros labios que no veras.
Es Maria quien pena en las calles,
y debajo de un farol,
roba besos y vida a la gente,
mientras ella yace en un cajon.
Maria bonita,
Maria marchita.

Las Flores - Cafe Tacuba

Ven y dime todas esas cosas
invítame a sentarme junto a ti
escucharé todos tus sueños en mi oido
y déjame estrechar tus manos
y regalarte unas pocas de ilusiones
ay ven y cuéntame una historia que me haga sentir bien
yo te escucharé
con todo el silencio del planeta
y miraré tus ojos
como si fueran los últimos de este país

Ay déjame ver como es que floreces
con 5 pétalos te absorberé
5 sentidos que te roban solo un poco de tu ser
y seis veces para vivirte
debajo de una misma luna
y otras 9 pasarán para sentir que nuevas flores nacerán
y que cada estrella fuese una flor
y así regalarte
todo un racimo de estrellas

No dejes que amanezca
No dejes que la noche caiga
No dejes que el sol salga
Sólo déjame estar junto a ti

Ay lalalala…
Cuado estoy en mis excesos
Contigo en grande emoción
Quiera con embelesos
Arrancarte el corazón
Arrancarte el corazón y comérmelo a besos

Ay lalalala…
Yo te juro y te prometo
Como siempre te he querido
Que si tu amor es completo
Cúmpleme lo prometido
Yo no quiero que otro prieto
Quiera lo que yo he querido

Ay lalalala…
Mariquita quita quita
Quítame dolor y pena
Debajo de tu reboso
Se pasa una noche buena
Buena es la buena memoria
Memoria del que se acuerda
Se acuerda de San Francisco
San Francisco no es Esteban
Esteban no es ningún santo
Santo es aquel que le rezan
Rezan los padres maitines
Los maitines no son completos
Completas serán las mañas
Las mañas de un hechicero
Hechicero es el que urde
Urde la mujer su tela
Tela la del buen cedazo
Cedazo de harina y cuerda
Cuerda la de los cochinos
Los cochinos tragan hierba
De la hierba nace el trigo
Del trigo es el que se siembra
Se siembra porque es costumbre
Dijo un viejito al pasar
Y lo echarán a la lumbre
Porque no supo trovar
Y lo echarán a la lumbre
Porque no supo trovar

Puntos Cardinales - Cafe Tacuba

amor y dulzura,
fuerza y coraje,
cuatro puntos cardinales
con los que navega ...
por calles y ciudades,
sin saber de nombres
nunca esta perdido,
siempre esta ubicado
donde éstas se encuentran

amor y dulzura,
fuerza y coraje,
cuatro puntos cardinales
con los que navega...
y cuando se pierde,
porque siente miedo,
olvida el pasado, no piensa en futuro, y eso es suficiente

no envidia a nadie,
nunca ambiciona nada,
no debe obediencia a ninguno (x2)

Por calles y ciudades, sin saber de nombres,
nunca esta perdido, siempre esta ubicado donde estas se encuentran...

no envidia a nadie,
no ambiciona nada,
no debe obediencia a ninguno (x2)

no debe obediencia a ninguno...

no debe obediencia a ninguno...

Ingrata - Cafe Tacuba

No me digas que me quieres.
No me digas que me adoras,
que me amas, que me extrañas,
que ya no te creo nada.

¿Qué no ves que estoy sufriendo?
Por favor hoy no me digas
que sin mi te estás muriendo
que tus lágrimas son falsas.

No me digas que me adoras.
Se te nota que en tus labios
ya no hay nada que tu puedas
ofrecer a esta boca.

Por eso ahora yo sé que veniste
porque te acuerdas de mi cariño.
Por eso ahora que estoy tan triste
no quiero que nadie me mire sufrir.

Oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, ingrata,
no me digas que me quieres.
Tu desprecias mis palabras
y mis besos, los que alguna vez
hicieron que soñaras.

No te olvides que si quiero,
pues si puedo hacerte daño
sólo falta que yo quiera
lastimarte y humillarte.

Aunque quieras tu dejarme,
los recuerdos de esos días,
de las noches tan obscuras,
tu jamás podrás borrarte.

No me digas que me quieres.
que me adoras, que me extrañas,
que ya no te creo nada.

Por eso ahora yo sé que veniste
porque te acuerdas de mi cariño.
Y no me importa si lloro un poquito
porque ese poquito será por tu amor.

No vengas para pedirme
que tenga compasión de ti.
Si vienes luego a decirme
que quieres estar lejos de mi.

Te pido que no regreses
si no es para darme un poquito de amor.
Te pido y te lo suplico
por el cariño que un día nos unió.

No me digas que me quieres.
No me digas que me adoras,
que me amas, que me extrañas,
que ya no te creo nada.

¿Qué no ves que estoy sufriendo?
Por favor hoy no me digas
que sin mi te estás muriendo
que tus lágrimas son falsas.
Tu desprecias mis palabras
y mis besos,
pues si quiero hacerte daño
sólo falta que yo quiera lastimarte
y humillarte.

aunque quieras tu dejarme,
los recuerdos de esos días,
de las noches tan obscuras,
tu jamás podrás borrarte.

Por eso ahora tendré que obsequiarte
un par de balazos, pa' que te duela.
Y aunque estoy triste por ya no tenerte
voy a estar contigo en tu funeral.

Dejate Caer - Cafe Tacuba

Djate caer
Djate caer
La tierra es al revs
La sangre es amarilla
Djate caer

El viento ya no sopla
La boca bien cerrada
Amarrate los pies
Piensa en tu madre y
Dejate caer

Mira al cielo ceder
Y a la tierra despus
Vuelve a creer
La sangre es amarilla
Djate caer

Las olas ya no mojan
La ira de las rocas
Amarrame otra vez
Un beso a mi madre y
Djame caer

Mira al cielo ceder
Y a la tierra despus
Vuelve a creer
La sangre es amarilla
Djate caer

Consuelame otra vez
Porque no pienso volver
El suelo tiene sed
La vida es imprecisa
Djate caer

Las horas no demoran
A mi alma desertora
Explcalo muy bien
Se abre la tierra
El cielo esta a mis pies

ah ah ah ah uh uh
ah ah ah ah uh uh
ah ah ah ah uh uh
ah ah

Rive Gauche Rio - Celso Fonseca

Dia claro no horizonte, longe um avião cruzou o céu
Sigo em frente pela orla e a vida desempenha seu papel
Gosto de achar na cidade traços da cidade que acabou
sobre as ondas de Ipanema misturando o tom de seus azuis
A semana disparou depressa, quase fim do ano outra vez
Sua imagem aparece nos lugares que já fui feliz
Com você meu pensamento vê o mundo de uma outra cor
Com você na minha vida era inevitável encontrar o amor
Você me convida agora
E eu vou te encontrar
Outra vez a vida se mostra

Casa - Natalia y la Forquetina

Voy a proteger mi casa
Cuando estoy ahí siento tranquilidad
Y después pondré unas flores
En la mesa.

Voy a cocinar un postre
Le pondré manzanas de felicidad
Para que te comas una
Y seas feliz
Todo el día
Y me digas
Que no puedes vivir sin mí.

Voy a proteger mi casa
Cuando estoy ahí te puedo consentir
Pongo miel en las historias
Que te cuento.

Para que cierres los ojos
Y por fin tú puedas otra vez dormir
Y al otro día me digas
Que bonito
Mi bonita
Yo no puedo vivir sin ti.

Mi casa es de papel
Porque es el corazón
Siento fragilidad
Si no estás

Handle Me - Robyn


Yeah, I heard about some guy that you beat
pretty bad and got in the papers
Sure, you own a cool bar and I hear you get far with every waitress
Yeah, I saw you on the poster, your song is
the bomb and you're outrageous
Sure, I see you're living' large with your crib and
your cars and that's just great, but

Let me tell you how it'd be
You won't get with this you see
Cuz you can't handle me

Yeah, you make you big move and I see
you're not used to being rejected
Sure, you making that call to your guy and
I'm sure you're well connected
Yeah, judging from that line you just passed
you are well known and respected
Sure, would me and my girls come participate in something you directed

Let me tell you how it'd be
You won't get with this you see
Cuz you can't handle me
It's a simple fact that you can't seem to handle me
Don't matter how you act with them you can't handle me
You got me, feel you got my back
But you're a selfish narcissistic psycho
Freaking bootlicking Nazi creep and
You can't handle me

Yeah, I think you're kinda cute when you try
and act like you ain't looking
Sure, I think you're kinda fly and your
ride – Sure is off the hook and
Yeah, bet you could take my mind off of things
for some time and take me shopping
Sure, you writing those rhymes and acts you produce are really kickin'

But, let me tell you how it'd be
You won't get with this you see
Cuz you can't handle me

It's just a simple fact that you can't seem to handle me
No matter how you act with them you can't handle me
It's just a simple fact that you can't seem to handle me
Don't matter how you act with them you can't handle me
You got me, feel you got my back
But you're a selfish narcissistic psycho
Freaking bootlicking Nazi pimp and
You can't handle me

Yeah, I heard about some guy that you beat
pretty bad and got in the papers
Sure, you own a cool bar and I hear you get far with every waitress
Yeah, I saw you on the poster you song is the bomb and you're outrages
Sure, I see you're living' large with your crib and
your cars and that's just great, but

Let me tell you how it'd be
You won't get with this you see
Cuz you can't handle me

It's just a simple fact that you can't seem to handle me
No matter how you act with them you can't handle me
It's just a simple fact that you can't seem to handle me
Don't matter how you act with them you can't handle me
You got me, feel you got my back
But you're a selfish narcissistic psycho
Freaking bootlicking Nazi creep and
You can't handle me

Gai Bian Zi Zhi (Change Me) - Wang Leehom

jin zao qi chuang le
kan jing zi li de wo
tu ran fa xian wo fa xing shui de you dian KUSO
yi dian dian gai bian you hen da de cha bie
ni wo de li liang ye neng gai bian shi jie

zui jing bi jiao fan
zui jing qing xu hen Down
mei tian kan xing wen dou hen xiang da sheng jian jiao
dan zhang hua mei you
da jie zhi hui qing song
wo gai bian zi ji fa xian da you bu tong
xin yi dai de peng you
wo men hao hao de jia you
da jia yi qi ta sheng de shuo NA NA NA NA NA

wo ke yi gai bian shi jie
gai bian zi ji
gai bian "gu mo", gai bian xiao qi
yao yi zhi nu li nu li yong bu fang qi
cai ke yi gai bian shi jie
COME ON gai bian ji zi

jin zao qi chuang le
jue de tou you dian tong
ke neng shi er yang hua tan tai duo yang qi bu zu
yi dian dian gai bian
you hen da de cha bie
ni wo de re qing ye neng gai bian shi jie

zhi you dai biao zi ji
mei you zheng zhi li chang
qi shi zhe shi jie rang kan de shi fen jing zhang
yao tiao zheng zi ji
mei xiang dao yi dian jiu neng hua long dian qing
xin yi dai de peng you
wo men hao hao de jia you
da jia yi qi ta sheng de shuo NA NA NA NA NA

wo ke yi gai bian shi jie
gai bian zi ji
gai bian "gu mo", gai bian xiao qi
yao yi zhi nu li nu li yong bu fang qi
cai ke yi gai bian shi jie
COME ON gai bian ji zi

Maar Vanavond - Gerard Joling

Ben je nog altijd bang
Dat je verslingerd raakt
Dat je te veel illusies maakt
Het is al zo lang, dat ik je voetstap ken
Het is al zo lang, dat ik je liefste ben

Ben jij nog altijd bang
Dat ’t verkeerd kan gaan
Dat je dan weer alleen zal staan
Het is al zo lang, dat je de keus ontwijkt
Het is al zo lang, dat je de kat de boom uit kijkt

Maar vanavond is bijna nabij
Bijna nabij bijna nabij
Maar maar maar maar maar
Maar vanavond hou je van mij
Doe ik de deuren dicht
Zoen jouw gezicht, ben jij

Voel je je echt wel goed
Als je mijn deur uit gaat
Terug naar je eigen stomme straat
Liefde genoeg, liefde in overvloed
Geef nou maar toe
Voor bij elkaar is nooit te vroeg

Maar vanavond is bijna nabij
Bijna nabij bijna nabij

Maar maar maar maar maar
Maar vanavond hou je van mij
Doe ik de deuren dicht
Zoen jouw gezicht ben jij

Ben je nog altijd bang
Dat je verslingerd raakt
Dat je te veel illusies maakt
Het is al zo lang dat je de keus ontwijkt
Het is al zo lang dat je de kat de boom uit kijkt

Maar vanavond is bijna nabij
Bijna nabij bijna nabij
Maar maar maar maar maar
Maar vanavond hou je van mij
Doe ik de deuren dicht
Zoen jouw gezicht ben jij….

Ben je nog altijd bang

La Cumbia - Cuba Club

(Chorus 2x)
We do the cha-cha
We do the rumba
But way before
we do the cumbia

Para el deseo
Para la pasion
Para la pena del corazon
Siempre contigo
Siente el amor
Para momentos de mas calor

(Chorus 4x)
We do the cha-cha
We do the rumba
But way before
we do the cumbia

Para toda la noche
Para mi obsesion
Como latidos del corazon
Siempre contigo
Siente el amor
Para momentos de mas calor

(Chorus 4x)
We do the cha-cha
We do the rumba
But way before
we do the cumbia

(Repeat Chorus)

She's So Sorry - Hedley

We started out okay,
but you through it all away,
my god what's going on in your head!
For all we could've found just to let it hit the ground,
but i'm good and done, we're over and dead.

And yes i'm leaving you it's obvious
(hey hey hey)
So wipe that stupid look right off of your face

Get out of my way,
what did she say she's so so sorry.
So get out of my way, what did she say she's so so sorry she said i wanna start over today take me back again.
Get out of my way,
what did she say she's so so sorry. she was.

You try to shift the blame.
My god are you insane,
and i'm sorry babe is all you can say
You've made a mess before
I kept coming back for more cause i never thought you'd end it this way

And yes i'm leaving you it's obvious
(hey hey hey)
So wipe that stupid look right off of your face

Get out of my way
what did she say she's so so sorry.
So get out of my way what did she say she's so so sorry she said i wanna start over today take me back again.
Get out of my way what did she, say she's so so sorry.

And that's all that i can say if you've never been let down then this story's far from over
Everything comes back around so be careful what you say what goes up gotta come down
Don't be taken back it's all because of you

Get out of my way what did she say she's so so sorry.
So get out of my way what did she say, she's so so sorry she said i wanna start over today take me back again.
Get out of my way what did she say, she's so so sorry

Never again
Never again

What'd she say outt of my way, what did i tell her, what'd i tell her
What'd she say outt of my way, what did i tell her, what'd i tell her

Fix Me - Velvet

Verse 1.

Lately I've been feeling strange
Deep down inside
Something kinda hard to explain
Like butterflies
Suddenly I'm only longing for the hot stuff
Something inside me tells me this is real
Now I've got the vibe tell me that's the same way you feel for me

So baby can you fix me
Cause my fever
Is only getting stronger
It's burning like a fire
Baby let's rock the night away

So baby can you fix me
Cause my body
Suffers from my hunger
A superstrong desire
Baby let's rock the night away

Verse 2.

Sitting by the telephone
Hoping that you will call
My friends say that I'm crazy that I'm
Just wasting my time
But you turn me on
Got me longing for the hot stuff
Something inside me tells me this is real
Now I've got the vibe tell me that's the same way you feel for me
ow-oooh yeah ih yeah

So baby can you fix me
Cause my fever
Is only getting stronger
It's burning like a fire
Baby lets rock the night away
(let's rock the night away)

So baby can you fix me
Cause my body
Suffers from my hunger
A superstrong desire
Baby let's rock the night away

I'm over the top with you baby
whoo oow yeah
I'm loosing my mind can't you see
what u mean to me
eeh yeah ih yeah i yeaaaaaaaaah
You got me goin crazy
crazy crazy crazy crazy crazy

So baby can you fix me
Cause my fever
Is only getting stronger(is only getting stronger)
It's burning like a fire
Baby let's rock the night away(let's rock the night away)

So baby can you fix me
Cause my body
Suffers from my hunger
A superstrong desire
Baby let's rock the night away

Let's rock the night away

I Really Want You - James Blunt

Many prophets preach on bended knee
Many clerics wasted wine
Do the bloody sheets
On those cobbled streets mean
I have wasted time

Are there silver shores on paradise?
Can I come in from the cold?
I killed a man in a far away land
My enemy I'm told.

I really want you to really want me
But I really don't know if you can do that
I know you want to know what's right
But I know it's so hard for you to do that
And time's running out as often it does
And often dictates that you can't do that
But fate can't break this feeling inside
That's burning up through my veins

I really want you
I really want you
I really want you now

No matter what I say or do
The message isn’t getting through
And you’re listening to the sound
Of my breaking heart

I really want you
I really want you

Is a poor man rich in solitude?
Or will mother earth complain
Did the beggar pray for a sunny day but
Lady luck for rain

They say a million people bow and scrape
To an effigy of gold
I saw life begin
And the ship we're in
And history unfold

I really want you to really want me
But I really don't know if you can do that
I know you want to know what's right
But I know it's so hard for you to do that
And time's running out as often it does
And often dictates if you can't do that
But fate can't break this feeling inside
That's burning up through my veins

I really want you
I really want you
I really want you now

No matter what I say or do
The message isn't getting through
And your listening to the sound
of my breaking heart (x2)

Now Or Never - Tom Novy feat. Lima

are you nervous, do you care,
there?s a lot of people out there,
all you need is something new,
how together ,you know what to do

there?s a party going on tonight,
godda get some cause it feels so right,
gonna records where some how,
there are nothing going stop you now

you want it ,you need it from now until forever,
now or never,
you know it ,you show it you?re ready for what ever,
now or never,
you want it ,you need it from now until forever,
now or never,
you know it ,you show it you?re ready for what ever,
now or never

are you nervous ,do you care,
you?re running mission out there,
you go crazy well toninght,
you are treavling as the speed of light

get on up and rase the roove with me,
that?s the way that is it post to be,
we will stop until the break of dawn,
gonna keep on moving on and on

you want it ,you need it from now until forever,
now or never,
you know it ,you show it you?re ready for what ever,
now or never,
you want it ,you need it from now until forever,
now or never,
you know it ,you show it you?re ready for what ever,
now or never

are you nervous ,do you care,
there?s a lot of people out there,
let?s get crazy ,it?s not allowed,
every one stop pay the money now

you want it ,you need it from now until forever,
now or never,
you know it ,you show it you?re ready for what ever,
now or never,
you want it ,you need it from now until forever,
now or never,
you know it ,you show it you?re ready for what ever,
now or never

now or never ,now or never

Divided - Aycan

Boy, I gave you my heart
I gave you everything
God, I've been so blind

'Cause you tore it apart
Let me in the dark
Playing with my mind

But what can I do?
The magic of you
Is tearing my heart in two

I'm under your spell
It's heaven or hell
It's so hard to tell



Woooaaaooa, yeah

Boy, I gave you my heart
I gave you everything
God, I've been so blind

'Cause you tore it apart
Let me in the dark
Playing with my mind

But what can I do?
The magic of you
Is tearing my heart in two

I'm under your spell
It's heaven or hell
It's so hard to tell

Like a broken heart
I'm into deep
Falling apart

What's it going to be?
Make up your mind
Or set me free

Boy, you can't fool me twice
'Cause I'm tired of
All the games you're playing

Stop telling me lies
How can I ever
Trust a word you're saying

But what can I do?
The magic of you
It's tearing my heart in two

I'm under your spell
It's heaven, no hell
It's so hard to tell

Like a broken heart
I'm into deep
Falling apart

What's it going to be?
Make up your mind
Or set me free

Like a broken heart
I'm into deep
Falling apart

What's it going to be?
Make up your mind
Or set me free


Woooaaaooa, yeah


Ohhhhhhhhh, yeah


Heartbeat - Topmodelz

I woke up early this morning
Feeling a new side of my life
The sun was shining
You were on my mind

Everytime I think about you
I feel so alive
I wish I could hold on to you forever
Forever, forever, for-e-e-e-ever

When I feel my heartbeat
When I feel my heartbeat

When I feel my heartbeat
When I feel my heartbeat

When I feel my heartbeat

Everytime I think about you
I feel so alive
I wish I could hold on to you forever

I woke up early this morning
Feeling a new side of my life
The sun was shining
You were on my mind

Everytime I think about you
I feel so alive
I wish I could hold on to you forever
Forever, forever, for-e-e-e-ever

When I feel my heartbeat
When I feel my heartbeat

When I feel my heartbeat
When I feel my heartbeat

When I feel my heartbeat
When I feel my heartbeat
Forever, forever.

Cold As Ice - Starsplash

Are you ready?!!
(Female Voice)
[(You're as cold as ice, you're willing to sacrifice our love)x3
You never take advice, someday you'll pay the price, I know]x2
I know
Pay the price, I know
I know
Everybody's in the place, lets go!
Are you ready?!
(Instrumental Break)
L-L-L-L-L-L-L-Let-let-let-let's go!

Now Is The Time - Discotronic

Now is the time
Here is the place
Cut the mid range
Drop that bass

The World Of Discotronic - Discotronic

All extensions ready
Sound discotronic starts to sequence

This is supersonic
The world of discotronic
The world of discotronic
The world of discotronic
The world of discotronic
This is supersonic
This is discotronic

This is super-sonic
This is disco-tronic

This is dis-discotronic

This is supersonic
This is dis-discotronic

This is supersonic
This is dis-discotronic

This is supersonic
The world of discotronic

This is dis-discotronic
And this is supersonic
This is dis-discotronic
And this is supersonic
This is dis-discotronic
And this is supersonic
This is supersonic
The world of discotronic

The world of discotronic

The world of discotronic

This is dis-discotronic

The world of discotronic

This is supersonic
This is dis-discotronic

The world of discotronic

Exceed second level

Freaks 2007 - Moguai & Tocadisco

Freak in the morning, freak in the evening
Freak in the morning, freak in the evening
Freak in the morning, freak in the evening
Ain't no other freak like me

Freak in the morning, freak in the evening
Freak in the morning, freak in the evening
Freak in the morning, freak in the evening
Ain't no other freak like me that's breathing

Freak in the morning, freak in the evening
Freak in the morning, freak in the evening
Freak in the morning, freak in the evening
Ain't no other freak like me that's breathing

Freak in the morning, freak in the evening
Freak in the morning, freak in the evening
Freak in the morning, freak in the evening
Freak in the morning, freak in the evening
Freak in the, freak in the, freak in the, freak in the, freak, freak, freak, freak, freak, freak...
Ain't no other freak like me

Freak in the morning, freak in the evening

Symphony For The Soul - Headstrong feat. Tiff Lacey

I have wrestled with thoughts through the day
They are taking me over again
Leading those moments astray
Dreaming or stealing away
For Symphony
For Symphony of soul
For Symphony of soul
For Symphony

Forgetting I'm carried away
Determined I'm concious to pay
Undertaking him in the way
Pretending again not today

Yea... search them all [x8]

For Symphony
For Symphony of soul
For Symphony of soul
For Symphony

Waiting Here For You - Thrillseekers feat. Aruna

Day and night divided,
Two worlds torn apart.
I'm standing in your shadow,
I wonder where you are.
This is my confession,
This is my heart burning down,
Giving out and taking me over.

So far away,
I don't know where I am.
So hard to take,
You slipped right through my hand.
With so much left unspoken,
Unopened, I'm broken.
I'll be waiting here for you...

There's nothing here to cling to,
Nothing more to prove.
I'm walking on a wire
With nothing left to lose.
If this is where you want me,
This is where I'll be,
Holding out 'til you come back to me.

So far away,
I don't know where I am.
So hard to take,
Knowing I'm alone again.
Trapped inside a moment,
I'm frozen, torn open.
I'll be waiting here for you...

'Cause I'm falling, I'm falling, I'm calling out,
I need you near me now, keeping me safe.
You can break it or fake it or take it in,
I wanna start again, take me away.
Come and take me away...

Take me away...

I'll be waiting here for you...

Deep Inside - Terry Ferminal

You're turning into stone
I'll make u into gold
A burning flame
Deep inside

You're turning into stone
I'll make u into gold
A burning flame
Deep inside

I looked into your heart
It's all been torn apart
Damage done
Start again

You've broken down the wall
Now u see it all
No more fools
In your life

You're getting close to me
Now we start to feel
A burning flame
Deep inside

U can feel me
Deep inside
U can feel me
Deep inside