Monday, July 16, 2007

Me Olvide De Vivir - Julio Iglesias

De tanto correr por la vida sin freno
Me olvidé que la vida se vive un momento
De tanto querer ser en todo el primero
Me olvidé de vivir los detalles pequeños.

De tanto jugar con los sentimientos
Viviendo de aplausos envueltos en sueños
De tanto gritar mis canciones al viento
Ya no soy como ayer, ya no se lo que siento

Me olvidé de vivir
Me olvidé de vivir
Me olvidé de vivir
Me olvidé de vivir

De tanto cantarle al amor y la vida
Me quede sin amor una noche de un día
De tanto jugar con quien yo más quería
Perdí sin querer lo mejor que tenía.

De tanto ocultar la verdad con mentiras
Me engañé sin saber que era yo quien perdía
De tanto esperar, yo que nunca ofrecía
Hoy me toca llorar, yo que siempre reía.

Me olvidé de vivir
Me olvidé de vivir
Me olvidé de vivir
Me olvidé de vivir

De tanto correr por ganar tiempo al tiempo
Queriendo robarle a mis noches el sueño
De tanto fracasos, de tantos intentos
Por querer descubrir cada día algo nuevo.

De tanto jugar con los sentimientos
Viviendo de aplausos envueltos en sueños
De tanto gritar mis canciones al viento
Ya no soy como ayer, ya no se lo que siento.

Me olvidé de vivir
Me olvidé de vivir
Me olvidé de vivir
Me olvidé de vivir

Viens M'Embrasser - Julio Iglesias

Viens m'embrasser...
Avant de t'en aller ce soir, viens m'embrasser.
On ne va plus se voir mais on n'est pas fâchés...
Viens m'embrasser!

Viens m'embrasser...
Dis toi qu'entre nous deux ça ne va rien changer.
Ta décision est prise et tu vas me quitter...
Viens m'embrasser!

Toi qui t'en vas,
oublie que je suis triste; oublie et souris-moi;
fais-moi revivre encore un peu de ce temps-là
où tu venais te jeter dans mes bras.

Toi qui t'en vas,
essaie de m'inventer encore un peu de toi,
essaie de faire semblant d'avoir besoin de moi...
Viens m'embrasser pour la dernière fois!

Viens m'embrasser!
C'est toi qui vas partir, alors pourquoi pleurer?
C'est pas la fin du monde; on n'est pas les premiers
a se quitter.

Viens m'embrasser
et ne me parle plus du mal que tu me fais.
Avec le temps tu sais tout devrait s'arranger...
Viens m'embrasser!

Toi qui t'en vas,
oublie que je suis triste; oublie et souris-moi;
fais-moi revivre encore un peu de ce temps-là
où tu venais te jeter dans mes bras.

Toi qui t'en vas,
essaie de m'inventer encore un peu de toi,
essaie de faire semblant d'avoir besoin de moi...
Viens m'embrasser pour la dernière fois!

Il Faut Toujours Un Perdant - Julio Iglesias

C'est moi qui fais ce soir le premier pas,
on s'ennuyait un peu mon cœur et moi,
on revient près de toi.

Rien qu'un instant je ne vais pas rester,
je prends de tes nouvelles et je m'en vais...
Je ne fais que passer.

je te retrouve au millieu de tes fleurs.
Chez toi la vie a toutes les couleurs
et le goût du bonheur.

en noir et blanc je vois passer les jours,
comme un brouillard qui tournerait autour
des choses de l'amour.

Je sais
en amour il faut toujours un perdant;
j'ai eu la chance de gagner souvent,
et j'ignorais que l'on pouvait souffrir autant.

Je sais
en amour il faut toujours un perdant;
j'ai eu la chance de gagner souvent...
Je t'ai perdue, pourtant.

C'est moi qui fais ce soir le premier pas,
on ne fait plus semblant mon cœur et moi...
On a besoin de toi.

Je n'aurais jamais cru qu'un jour viendrait
où près de toi je me retrouverais
aussi désamparé.

Je sais
en amour il faut toujours un perdant;
j'ai eu la chance de gagner souvent,
et j'ignorais que l'on pouvait souffrir autant.

Je sais
en amour il faut toujours un perdant;
j'ai eu la chance de gagner souvent...
Je t'ai perdue, pourtant.

C'est moi qui fais ce soir le premier pas,
on s'ennuyait un peu mon cœur et moi,
on revient près de toi.

en noir et blanc je vois passer les jours,
comme un brouillard qui tournerait autour
des choses de l'amour.

Je sais
en amour il faut toujours un perdant;
j'ai eu la chance de gagner souvent,
et j'ignorais que l'on pouvait souffrir autant.

Corazon De Papel - Julio Iglesias

Se que tu vas diciendo
Que no te quiero
Que el dia menos pensado
Te voy a dejar
Que me has querido siempre
Que fui el primero
Que cuando me vaya
Me vas a extrañar

Esa historia que cuentan
Puras mentiras
Porque yo he sido siempre, siempre perdedor
Soy de los dos seguro el que mas ha querido
Y nunca olvido lo que he sufrido
Por tanto amor

Corazon de papel
Que no entiendes de amores ni sabes querer
Que no lloras por nadie sembrando desaires
Me maltratas la vida y por poco te olvidas
Que eres mi mujer!
Ay corazon de papel

Esa historia que cuentan
Puras mentiras
Porque yo he sido siempre
Siempre perdedor
Soy de los dos seguro el que mas ha querido
Y nunca olvido lo que he sufrido
Por tanto amor

Corazon de papel
Que no entiendes de amores ni sabes querer
Que no lloras por nadie sembrando desaires
Me maltratas la vida y por poco te olvidas
Que eres mi mujer!
Corazon de papel

Corazon de papel
Que no entiendes de amores ni sabes querer
Que no lloras por nadie sembrando desaires
Me maltratas la vida y por poco te olvidas
Que eres mi mujer!
Corazon de papel

No Llores Mi Amor - Julio Iglesias

Hay quien te hablará
de un mundo mejor.
Yo sólo te hablé
de todo mi amor.

Si te dicen que cambié
y que nada ya es igual,
háblales de nuestro amor;
grítales que volveré.

De pequeños tú ya me querías.
Yo soñaba con amarte un día.
Son recuerdos que jamás se olvidan...

No llores, mi amor.
Pronto volveré.

No llores, mi amor.
Pronto volveré.

Si me equivoqué
te pido perdón.
Olvida el ayer.
No tengas rencor.

Y de nuevo caminar
olvidando aquel error.
Que olvidar es perdonar,
y perdón es siempre amor.

De pequeños tú ya me querías.
Yo soñaba con amarte un día.
Son recuerdos que jamás se olvidan...

No llores, mi amor.
Pronto volveré.

No llores, mi amor.
Pronto volveré.

Quiereme Mucho - Julio Iglesias

Quiereme mucho
dulce amor mio
que amante
siempre te adorare.

Yo con tus besos
y tus caricias
mis sufrimientos acallare.

Cuando se quiere de veras
como te quiero yo a ti
es imposible mi cielo
tan separados vivir.

Cuando se quiere de veras
como te quiero yo a ti
es imposible mi cielo
tan separados vivir
tan separados vivir.

Yo con tus besos
y tus caricias
mis sufrimientos acallare.

Cuando se quiere de veras
como te quiero yo a ti
es imposible mi cielo
tan separados vivir
tan separados vivir.

Que Ganaste - Julio Iglesias

¿Qué ganaste?
discutir y enfadarte conmigo
imponerle a mi amor el castigo
de no verte, de extrañarte.
¿Qué ganaste?
si otra vez tú me quieres contigo
y te olvidas lo dicho y sufrido
amor mío, ¿qué ganaste?

Sabes no entiendo tu modo
las horas amargas que me haces pasar
Dices que ya no me quieres
Me dejas, me hieres, me vuelves a amar
Dime qué pasa conmigo
Dime que hay conmigo que yo no lo sé
Dime, mi amor, ¿qué ganaste?
Lo quiero saber.

¿Qué ganaste?
Esperando a que llame primero
A que diga otra vez que te quiero
A que pida que regreses.

Sabes, no entiendo tu modo
Las horas amargas que me haces pasar
Dices que ya no me quieres
Me dejas, me hieres, me vuelves a amar
Dime qué pasa conmigo
Dime que hay conmigo que yo no lo sé
Dime, mi amor, ¿qué ganaste?
Lo quiero saber.

¿Qué ganaste?
¿Qué ganaste?

Quiereme - Julio Iglesias

Dime que,
hoy me quieres igual que ayer
que nada ha cambiado, que
tú siempre me has sido fiel.

Por eso dime que,
Aun recuerdas el tiempo aquel
Añoras los besos que
te di la primera vez.

Sin preguntas, sin un por qué
Olvida lo triste que
vivir separados fue.

Por eso dime que
Cada días al amanecer
Pensabas en mi porque
sabías que iba a volver.

Donde vaya a cualquier lugar
Tú sabes que yo no sé
vivir cuando tú no estás

Por eso, quiéreme
Quiéreme cada día más
Tú sabes que yo no sé
vivir cuando tú no estás.

Momentos - Julio Iglesias

De noche nos pasábamos las horas
hablando de mil cosas por hacer
y a veces en pequeñas discusiones
llegaba a amanecer.

Y siempre amanecía con un beso y tú,
después me preparabas un café
y yo me despedía cada día
soñando con volver.

Parábamos el tiempo día a día
quería descubrirte cada vez
prendido de tu vida
y tú prendida de la mía
el mundo parecía a nuestros pies.

Ya ves que todo pasa,
quién diría
ya ves que poco queda del ayer
apenas los recuerdos
momentos que no vuelven otra vez.

Te acuerdas de las veces que dijimos,
que nada nos podría separar
el viento que escuchaba tus palabras
cantaba tu cantar.

Y yo me cobijaba por tu cuerpo,
y tu echabas los sentidos a volar
perdidos en la noche y el silencio
soñábamos soñar.

La vida se hace siempre de momentos,
de cosas que no sueles valorar
y luego cuando pierdes
cuando al fin te has dado cuenta
el tiempo no te deja regresar.

Ya ves que todo pasa,
quién diría
ya ves que poco queda por contar
apenas los recuerdos
momentos que no vuelven nunca más.

La Carretera - Julio Iglesias

Llueve y está mojada la carretera
¡qué largo es el camino! ¡qué larga espera!
kilómetros pasando pensando en ella
¡qué noche! ¡qué silencio! si ella supiera
que estoy corriendo
pensando en ella

Las luces de los coches que van pasando
el ruido de camiones acelerando
no hay gente por la calle y está lloviendo
los pueblos del camino ya están durmiendo
y yo corriendo
pensando en ella

Sigo en la carretera buscándote
al final del camino te encontraré

Los bares a estas horas están cerrando
hoteles de parejas siempre esperando
un tren me cruza el paso es largo y lento
me comen la cabeza los pensamientos
pensando en ella
pensando en ella

Sigo en la carretera buscándote
al final del camino te encontraré

Pensando imaginando mi duda aumenta
me salgo de una curva sin darme cuenta
la aguja marca 140

Sigo en la carretera buscándote
al final del camino te encontraré

Llueve y está mojada la carretera
y yo sintiendo celos pensando en ella
perdido entre la duda y la neblina
me estoy quedando solo sin gasolina

Llueve y está mojada la carretera
y yo sintiendo celos de sus ojeras

Llueve y está mojada la carretera
no sé si está con otro, si yo supiera

Llueve y está mojada la carretera
es noche ya en silencio de larga espera
pensando imagiando mi duda aumenta........

Dos Corazones, Dos Historias - Julio Iglesias feat. Alejandro Fernández

En medio de un riña
Ya casi al terminar
Uno habla y el que escucha
No para de llorar
Y en su mirada triste
De desamor y pena
Descubre de repente
Que el otro lo destierra.

El que ha perdido todo
Ya fuera de lugar
Arrumba en su maleta
La ropa sin planchar
Su corazón herido
Empieza latir fuerte
Mientras que el otro ajeno
No late por su suerte

Y lejos uno de otro
En busca de otras gentes
Dos corazones rotos
En mundos diferentes
Descubren otra vida
Descubren otras cosas
Y empiezan otra vez
Dos corazones, dos historias.

Quien quiso ser mas libre
El que jugo a su modo
Aquel que no sentía
Lo que sentía el otro
Vagando por las calles
Entre aturdido y solo
Comienza a darse cuenta
Que lo ha perdido todo.

Y aquellas cosas simples
Que nunca dio importancia
Le comen la cabeza
Le empiezan hacer falta.
Y ahora en su derrota
Por que perdió la apuesta
Descubre que la vida
Le esta pasando cuentas.

Y lejos uno de otro
En busca de otras gentes
Dos corazones rotos
En mundos diferentes
Descubren otra vida
Descubren otras cosas
Y empiezan otra vez
Dos corazones, dos historias.

La Gota Fria - Julio Iglesias

Acordate Moralito de aquel día
que estuviste en Urumita y no quisiste hacer parranda
Te fuiste de mañanita sería de la misma rabia

En mis notas soy extenso
a mi nadie me corrige
para tocar con Lorenzo
mañana sábado, dia de la Virgen

Me lleva el o me lo llevo yo
pa' que se acabe la vaina
Ay ! Morales a mi no me lleva
porque no me da la gana
Moralito a mi no me lleva
porque no me da la gana

Que cultura, que cultura va a tener
un indio chumeca como Lorenzo Morales
que cultura va a tener si nació en los cardonales

Morales mienta mi mama
solamente pa' ofender
para que el tambi¥n se ofenda
ahora le miento la de el.

Me lleva el o me lo llevo yo
pa' que se acabe la vaina ......

Moralito, Moralito se creia que el a mi,
que el a mi me iba a ganar
pero cuando me oyo cantar
le cayo la gota fría,
pero cuando me oyó cantar
le cayo la gota fría.

Al cabo el la compartía
y el tiro le salió mal ...

Me lleva el o me lo llevo yo
pa' que se acabe la vaina .

El Bacalao - Julio Iglesias

Mira como me gusta
como me gusta el bacalao mira
el bacalao con papas
pero mira como me gusta
como me gusta el bacalao mira
el bacalao con papas

El bacalao es un pez que vive en aguas profundas
el bacalao es un pez que vive en aguas profundas
si tu lo quieres mesclao es una bara bien dura
el bacalao se menea de una manera muy dura

Mira como me gusta
como me gusta el bacalao mira
el bacalao con papas
pero mira como me gusta
como me gusta el bacalao mira
el bacalao con papas

el bacalao se cocina de diferentes maneras
el bacalao se cocina de diferentes maneras
unos le ponen comino y otros le ponen canela
hasta un poquito de azucar y un ramo de hierba buena
pero lo que a mi me gusta es tu sazon especial
pues como tu bacalao yo no he probado otro igual
pero lo que a mi me gusta es tu sazon especial
pues como tu bacalao yo no he probado otro igual (otro igual!)

Mira como me gusta
como me gusta el bacalao mira
el bacalao con papas
pero mira como me gusta
como me gusta el bacalao mira
el bacalao con papas

(ay ay)

unos lo comen de noche
otros lo comen de dia
algunos al medio dia
es un manjar especial
pero a mi damelo ahora
que ya no puedo esperar
pues como tu bacalao yo no he probado otro igual
pero a mi damelo ahora
que ya no puedo esperar
pues como tu bacalao yo no he probado otro igual (otro igual!)

Mira como me gusta
como me gusta el bacalao mira
el bacalao con papas
pero mira como me gusta
como me gusta el bacalao mira
el bacalao con papas

Mira como me gusta
como me gusta el bacalao mira
el bacalao con papas
mira como me gusta (camina niña camina)
como me gusta el bacalao mira (da un pasito mas)
el bacalao con papas (camina niña camina)

Un Canto A Galicia - Julio Iglesias

Yo te quiero tanto
y aun no lo sabes
yo te quiero tanto
tierra de mi padre.

Quiero tus riberas
que hacen recordar
y tus ojos tristes
que hacen llorar.

Un canto a Galicia
tierra de mi padre
un canto a Galicia
que es mi tierra madre.

Tengo morrir'ia
tengo saudade
porque estoy lejos
de esos tus lares.

Yo te quiero tanto
y aun no lo sabes
yo te quiero tanto
tierra de mi padre.

Quiero tus riberas
que hacen recordar
y tus ojos tristes
que hacen llorar.

Un canto a Galicia
tierra de mi padre
un canto a Galicia
que es mi tierra madre.

Tengo morrir'ia
tengo saudade
porque estoy lejos
de esos tus lares.

Un canto a Galicia
tierra de mi padre
un canto a Galicia
que es mi tierra madre.

El Amor - Julio Iglesias

El amor
no solo son palabras que se dicen al azar,
por un momento y sin pensar.
Son esas otras cosas que se sienten sin hablar,
al sonreír, al abrazar,...

(El amor) (El amor)
(El amor) (El amor)

El amor
a veces nunca llega porque pasa sin llamar,
se va buscando a quién amar.
A veces, cuando llega llega tarde, porque ya
hay alguien más en su lugar.

(El amor) (El amor)
(El amor) (El amor)

El amor
no sabe de fronteras, de distancias ni lugar.
No tiene edad. Puede llegar
perdido entre la gente o arrullado en un cantar,
por un reír, por un llorar,...

(El amor) (El amor)
(El amor) (El amor)

El amor
es perdonarse todo sin reproches y olvidar
para volver a comenzar,
es no decirse nada y en silencio caminar,
es ofrecer sin esperar.

(El amor) (El amor)
(El amor) (El amor)

Baila Morena - Julio Iglesias

Bajando por la ladera
por el camino viene bailando
arrastra la sandalia,
la polvareda va levantando
moviendo la cintura
y las caderas como ninguna

Tiene la piel morena,
sonrisa clara,
color de luna.

Tiene cosas de blanca
tiene cosas de negra
tiene cosas de india
¡bonita mezcla que da esta tierra!

Baila morena, baila
que tú lo bailas como ninguna
moviendo las caderas,
moviendo la cintura.

Baila morena, baila
que tú lo bailas como ninguna
arrastra la sandalia,
llévame en tu locura.
Baila morena, baila
que tú lo bailas como ninguna.

La noche es una niña
que va pasando, que va creciendo
la música no para,
sigue bailando, se va encendiendo.
El sudor de su cuerpo le pone brillo a su piel canela
la blusa colorada, la madrugada y esa morena.

Tiene cosas de blanca
tiene cosas de negra
tiene cosas de india
bonita mezcla que da esta tierra

Baila morena, baila
que tú lo bailas como ninguna...

Agua Dulce Agua Sala - Julio Iglesias

Ay, ay, ay, ay...

Con el pasar de los años
he aprendido en la vida
que se vive intensamente
porque si no se termina.

Con el pasar de los años
el cariño es más bueno
se aprecia lo que se tiene
y se respeta lo ajeno.

Agua dulce, agua salá
por agua viene, por agua se va
Agua dulce, agua salá
bendita la vida, te quita y te da

Agua que caes del cielo
sobre las olas del mar
yo te quiero beber dulce
y tú te pones salá,
yo te quiero beber dulce,
y tú te pones salá.

Agua dulce agua salá
agua dulce agua salá

Ay, ay, ay, ay...

Con el pasar de los años
hay que dar bien los pasos
tomar el mejor camino
aunque se te haga el más largo.

Con el pasar de los años
de las penas se aprende,
el corazón se hace duro
y el sentimiento más fuerte

Agua dulce, agua salá
por agua viene, por agua se va
Agua dulce, agua salá
bendita la vida, te quita y te da

Agua que caes del cielo
sobre las olas del mar
yo te quiero beber dulce
y tú te pones salá,
yo te quiero beber dulce,
y tú te pones salá

Agua dulce, agua salá
agua dulce, agua salá

Ay, ay, ay, ay...

Mal Acostumbrado - Julio Iglesias

Un ticket de ida y vuelta, fu tan slo para t
Juguete de cartn
Un pobre pasajero que dejaste por ah
Tirado en la estacin

Devulveme un trocito de mi vida
Devulveme un poquito nada ms
Un poco ms
Devulveme aunque sea de mentira
Que no curen mis heridas
Y me muera cada da mal

Mal acostumbrado me dej tu amor
Mal acostumbrado tu amor me dej
Alma en pena que mi cuerpo la condena
De no poder ya vivir sin ti

Mal acostumbrado me dej tu amor
Mal acostumbrado tu amor me dej
Y hoy me ciegas, me persigues y me encierras
Y es que ya no s vivir sin ti

Vivir sin ti
Mi amiga la tristeza
La que sabe ms de m
No para de decir, slo a m
Que ra y que me olvide
Y no piense ms en ti
Y vuelva a ser feliz.

Ni Te Tengo Ni Te Olvido - Julio Iglesias

Yo no sé que hacer contigo
Ni te tengo ni te olvido
Ni quiero seguir así
Juguete de tus caprichos.

Para que quererte tanto
Para que tanto deseo
Para que este loco amor
Que lo quiero y no lo quiero.

Y es que ya me acostumbré
A tu forma de entregarte
Al calor que hay en tu piel
Y al placer de acariciarte

Cuando te sientes mujer
No hay cariño para darte
Cuando te sientes mujer,
Que daría por tener
Tus caricias cada día
Y poderte complacer
Cada vez que fueras mía
Que daría por saber
Que jamás te perdería.

No acierto a ver el camino
Que me separe de ti
No puedo seguir contigo
Ni puedo vivir sin ti.

Que daría por tener
Tus caricias cada día
Y poderte complacer
Cada vez que fueras mía
Que daría por saber
Que jamás te perdería.

No acierto a ver el camino
Que me separe de ti
No puedo seguir contigo
Ni puedo vivir sin ti.

Crazy - Julio Iglesias

Crazy, I'm crazy for feeling so lonely
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue
I knew you'd love me as long as you wanted
And then some day you'd leave me for somebody new.

Worry, why do I let myself worry
Wondering what in the world did I do?

Crazy, for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying
And crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you.


Crazy, for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying
And crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you.

Today - Melanie B

Something beautiful today is gonna happen
I can feel it in my bones it's gonna happen
Yeah, this feeling I'm feeling
It's incredible to me, and so strong

Don't ask me how I know, I can't explain it
It's so wonderful that I don't wanna change it
Yeah, it's so strange, it's so strange
Faith is knocking at my door once more

Today's the day that something great I know is gonna happen
Today, today, no I can't wait, I know it's got my name on
Today (something will happen today, something great will happen today)
Yeah yeah (something will happen today, something great will happen today)
It's gonna happen today (something will happen today, something great will happen today)

Something will change...

No today won't be the same as any other
There is something left for me here to discover
Maybe these dreams that we dream
Are all possible to reach, you'll see

Today's the day that something great I know is gonna happen
Today, today, no I can't wait, I know it's got my name on
Today (something will happen today, something great will happen today)
Yeah yeah (something will happen today, something great will happen today)
It's gonna happen today (something will happen today, something great will happen today)

Something will change...


Today's the day that something great I know is gonna happen
Today, today, no I can't wait, I know it's got my name on
Today's the day that something great I know is gonna happen
Today, today, no I can't wait, I know it's got my name on
Today (something will happen today, something great will happen today)
Yeah yeah (something will happen today, something great will happen today)
It's gonna happen today (something will happen today, something great will happen today)

Something will change...

Lullaby - Melanie B

Sometimes I think about
What life was like before
Was it full of old remidies
That kept me reaching for the door

But I know this love is unconditional (yea e yeah)
Deep inside your my living joy (yea e yeah)

I'm gonna sing you a lullaby
A thousand times or more
You're a sweet as a butterfly
Baby all I need and more
Gonna sing you my song
'cause I think the world about you
You're the only one that matters now
Since the day you were born

The first time I looked at you
On that friday afternoon
Your eyes were all a wonderin'
Who am I and who are you

But I know (our love) is unconditional (yes it is)
Deep inside your (my livin joy) yea e yeah

I'm gonna sing you a lullaby - all night
A thousand times or more - all night long yeah
You're a sweet as a butterfly - butterfly
Baby all I need and more - all I need and more
Gonna sing you my song
'cause I think so much about you
You're the only one that materes now
Since the day you were born

Oooooohhhhh ooohhhhh (a thousand times and more)
Oooooohhhhh ooohhhhh(all I need and more)
Sing you my song
Think the world about you
Day you were born

But I know this love is unconditional (yes it is)
Deep inside you're my living joy

I'm gonna sing you a lullaby
A thousand times or more
You're a sweet as a butterfly
Baby all I need and more
Gonna sing you my song
'cause I think the world about you
You're the only one that matters now
Since the day you were born

I'm gonna sing you a lullaby
A thousand times or more
You're a sweet as a butterfly
Baby all I need and more
Gonna sing you my song
'cause I think the world about you
You're the only one that matters now
Since the day you were born

Feels So Good - Melanie B

I'm gonna get all soft and smoochy

(Oh yeah) I love you baby (oh yeah)
(Oh yeah) I love you baby (oh yeah)
(Oh yeah) I love you baby (oh yeah)


Oh yeah, feels so good
I'm loving you like I should
Remembering how it feels
Letting go to have you near
Oh yeah, feels so good
I never thought that it could
My feelings all deep inside
This love I found won't ever hide

Let's go from the very start
When we met you and I were inseperable
All at once we swapped our hearts
Knowing that we had it right
People got involved with us
I should have pushed them all away
Now I know what went wrong
Why did it take me so long

Lovin' you, lovin' you, is the easy part
Now I know, now I know, what to do with it
Me and you, me and you, keeping it tight
Cos two of a kind makes us so right

Oh yeah, feels so good
I'm loving you like I should
Remembering how it feels
Letting go to have you near
Oh yeah, feels so good
I never thought that it could
My feelings all deep inside
This love I found won't ever hide

Partnerships have ups and downs
Understand you and I are not alone
Feeling real normality
Come on put your trust in me
Believe in me when I say
Everyone can keep away
Now I know what went wrong
Why did it take me so long

Lovin' you, lovin' you, is the easy part
Never know, never know, what to do with this
Me and you, me and you, keeping it tight
Cos two of a kind makes us so right

Oh yeah, feels so good
I'm loving you like I should
Remembering how it feels
Letting go to have you near
Oh yeah, feels so good
I never thought that it could
My feelings all deep inside
This love I found won't ever hide

I know how I want you (oh yeah)
I know how I need you (oh yeah)
Together we'll always be
Ever after happily
Feeling free (oh yeah)
You and me (oh yeah)
No one can touch us now
That is how it's got to be

Each passing day, we grow stronger still
Like the after taste of a bitter pill
Keep the hurt and pain far away from me
Warm me in your glow of sunny ecstacy

Ladies holler if you hear me (oh yeah)
Fellas holler if you feel me (oh yeah)
Everybody can you see me (oh yeah)
Cos two of a kind makes us so right (yippe)

Oh yeah, feels so good
I'm loving you like I should
Remembering how it feels
Letting go to have you near
Oh yeah, feels so good
I never thought that it could
My feelings all deep inside
This love I found won't ever hide

Oh yeah, feels so good
I'm loving you like I should
Remembering how it feels
Letting go to have you near
Oh yeah, feels so good
I never thought that it could
My feelings all deep inside
This love I found won't ever hide

Yippe (yipee)
Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Oh yeah, Oh yeah

Yipee (yipee)

I love you baby (oh yeah)
I love you baby (oh yeah)
I love you baby (oh yeah)

Oh yeah, feels so good
I'm loving you like I should
Remembering how it feels
Letting go to have you near
Oh yeah, feels so good
I never thought that it could
My feelings all deep inside
This love I found won't ever hide

Word Up (Austin Powers 2 Soundtrack) - Melanie B

Come on baby

All pretty ladies around the world
Got a weird thing to show you
So tell all the boys and girls
Tell your brother, your sister
And your mama too
Cause we're about to go down
And you’ll know just what to do

Wave your hands in the air
Like you don’t care
Glide by the people as they start to look and stare
Do your dance
Do your dance
Do your dance quick mama, come on baby tell me what’s the word

Word up
Everybody say when you hear they call you
You've got to get it underway
Word up, it’s the code word
No matter where you say it
You’ll know that you’ll be heard

Now all you sucker. D.J.’s
Who think you’re fly
There’s got to be a reason
And we know the reason why
You try to put on those airs and act real cool
But you've got to realize
That you’re acting like fools
If there’s music we can use it
We need to dance
We don’t have the time
For psychological romance
No romance
No romance
No romance for me mama
Come on baby tell me what’s the word

The word up
Everybody say when you hear the call you
You've got to get it underway
Word up
It’s the code word
No matter where you say it
You’ll know that you’ll be heard

Word up
Everybody say when you hear the call you
You've got to get it underway
Word up
It’s the code word
No matter where you say it
You’ll know that you’ll be heard

Word up
Everybody say...
Word up
It’s the code word...

Tell Me - Melanie B

What made you
Think I would be fooled?
I now see through you
And you're the fool, tell me
How do you
Feel when you see me
And I disregard you
There's someone new
And they're true

I can't believe
I was so blind I didn't see
That you couldn't be
The type of man to meet my needs
Strangest thing
Is everyone tried to tell me
But I did what they
Told me not to

You nearly had my everything
By running your game on me
You told me all I had to hear
I thought love was finally here
But then one day, the truth I'd see
Your game was incomplete
Coz when I realised the truth
I see your plan, you're not my man
So get from under my roof
I don't want you!

What made you - made you
Think I would be fooled? - be fooled
I now see through you - yes, I do
And you're the fool, tell me
How do you
Feel when you see me - when you see me
And I disregard you - disregard you
There's someone new
And they're true

It was the saddest thing
I thought there was no help for me
Coz you made me think
I wasn't worth anything
And now I see
You didn't have no self-esteem
And all you loved was
Mel B's money

You nearly had my everything
By running your game on me
You told me all I had to hear
I thought love was finally here
But then one day, the truth I'd see
Your game was incomplete
Coz when I realised the truth
I see your plan, you're not my man
So get from under my roof
I don't want you!

What made you - made you
Think I would be fooled?
I now see through you - I can see through you
And you're the fool, tell me - you are the fool, baby you are the fool
How do you - oh
Feel when you see me
And I disregard you - and I turn my head around
There's someone new - there's someone new
And they're true - and they're so true

What made you -made you
Think I would be fooled?
I now see through you - I can
And you're the fool, tell me - you are, you are
How do you
Feel when you see me
And I disregard you - oh oh oh
There's someone new
And they're true

You nearly had my everything
By running your game on me
You lied to me
Why did you lie to me
But then one day, the truth I'd see
Your game was incomplete
I found out the truth
I see your plan, you're not my man
So get from under my roof
I don't want you!

What made you - what made you
Think I would be fooled? - think that way of me
I now see through you - I'm glad I saw through you
And you're the fool, tell me - tell me, tell me
How do you - what
Feel when you see me - do when you see
And I disregard you - disregard you
There's someone new - meone new
And they're true - and they're so true

What made you
Think I would be fooled?
I now see through you
And you're the fool, tell me
How do you
Feel when you see me
And I disregard you
There's someone new
And they're true

Want You Back - Melanie B feat. Missy Elliott

Mel: I'm the M to the E-L-B, you know me
Missy: I'm the M-I-S-S-Y to the E
Mel: And I got many flows from overseas
Missy: Well, how can you beep beep with no keys?
Mel: I got spice, I'm tight with my flows
Missy: And all my flows been known to throw blows
Mel: Well, let me hit this one before I go
Missy: Well, I'm gonna let you go, if you say so,ow.

Mel: Boy, I'm sick of you,
Who, me? Yes, me
yeah, you know I'm a fool, ooh
I'm a fool for you (uh)
'cos I keep talkin' you back
As though I'm stupid like that (uh)
Yeah, yeah, you know we're through (uh)
But I can't say no and I never said no
I can't say no to you (uh)
because you treat me wack
In fact, I want you back (uh)

I think I want you back
Your love has made a deep impact (uh-huh uh-huh)
I know it might sound wack (uh)
But damn, I think I want you back
Want you
I think I want you back
Your love has made a deep impact (uh)
I know it might sound wack (uh-huh)
But damn, I think I want you back, want you back, ow

Boy, I'm tired of you (uh)
Runnin' over me, tellin' me what to do
Now what have I done to you (uh-huh)
To make you sex alot?
I thought I made you hot
Now don't make me act a fool (uh)
I know I talk mad junk, but I know what I want
What I truly want is you (uh-huh)
And even though you're a mack, true dat
I want you back

I think I want you back (want you back)
Your love has made a deep impact (impact, uh)
I know it might sound wack (sound wack)
But damn I think I want you back (I want you back) Want you
I think I want you back (uh)
Your love has made a deep impact (uh)
I know it might sound wack (sound wack)
but damn, I think I want you back, want you back (uh)

You got me losin' my mind, my mind (uh)
You can't keep breaking my heart (uh, breaking my heart, uh)
You got me drinkin' liquor in the mornin' (uh-huh)
sittin' all night at the bar (uh uh) ow (uh)

I think I want you back (uh-huh)
Your love has made a deep impact (say what, say what)
I know it might sound wack
but damn, I think I want you back (want you)
I think want you back (uh-huh)
Your love has made a deep impact (say what, uh)
I know it might sound wack
but damn I think I want you back
But damn, I think I want you back, want you back uh

I think I want you back (uh)
Your love has made a deep impact (tricky tricky tricky)
I know it might sound wack (uh-huh)
But damn, I think I want you back, yeah want you
I think I want you back (uh-huh)
Your love has made a deep impact (uh, ooh)
I know it might sound wack (ah)
But damn, I think I want you, want you back, ow
Ha ha ha (uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh)

Mister lonely (uh uh uh uh uh uh)
Don't know why (uh) regulation
Break it down now, ow
Ha ha ha

That Dude - Victoria Beckham

Don't mess with that dude
ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
Don't mess with that dude

If he's too young, some of them guys got a real big problem
Startin' shit they can't finish if you allow them
To get close enough to think you can't live without them

Don't mess with that dude
Say the rule applies to the next type
Insecurity, he's trying to control your life
Tired of feeling scared, somebody gon' come along and treat you right, no

Don't mess with that dude
Cos he's already taken
I don't give a damn what kinda plans you're makin'
Even if the playa says he's plannin on shakin'
Bottom line is he's still takin' so

Don't mess with that dude
And if you're smart you'll leave him alone
He ain't even thinkin' about getting his own
Not a car, not a job, not a place of his own
Comfortable at his mom's tho

Don't mess with that dude
And if he don't wanna pay the bills he have run up then
Don't mess with that dude
And if he lounge at the place while you're workin'I'd a come up here
Don't mess with that dude
And if he lazy, trite, and jealous, and got a wife then
Don't mess with that dude
And if he's all of the above, I'm gonna say it twice then

Don't mess with that dude
Cos it's only a matter of time before he breaks your heart
Don't mess with that dude
And I know it's not easy for ya to play this part but
Don't mess with that dude

If he promise you happiness but he made you cry
Said he'd be true to you but he told you lies
You're willin to work with him but he just won't try

Don't mess with that dude
And when you're on to the next
Good guy, good background, good sex
Kick it for a minute but if he won't take steps
Pause givin you his last name, yet

Don't mess with that dude
If you got a man then his boys are strictly off limits
If they make noise your style will be diminished
Tell him where to go if he's tryin to cash his feelings, yeah

Don't mess with the dude
And if your man's ever weak enough to be hittin' you
Recognize, real, and take in what I've given you
You don't deserve it, you're worth so much more than abuse

Don't mess with the dude
I know the game, I know the rules now
Don't mess with that dude
I heard the lies, I know the truth now
Don't mess with that dude
I've been alone and I been misused
Don't mess with that dude
Now I know what I gotta do, yeah
Don't mess with that dude

Don't mess with that dude
Cos it's only a matter of time before he breaks your heart
Don't mess with that dude
And I know it's not easy for ya to play this part but
Don't mess with that dude

Let Your Head Go - Victoria Beckham

From the river to the waterfall
Let the music flow
Through your fingers, feel the energy
Shake your very soul

And when it feels so good
I can almost lose my mind
And when it feels so good
Oooh, it makes me crazy, every time

Let your head go
Shake your body free
'Cause tonight the beat is gonna get you
Let your head go
Baby trip on me
One more time, I will make it better

From the dance floor to your fantasy
Gonna break it down
And my system deep inside of me
Gotta let it out

And when it feels so good
I can almost lose my mind
And when it feels so good
Oooh, it makes me crazy, every time

Let your head go
Shake your body free
'Cause tonight the beat is gonna get you
Let your head go
Baby trip on me
One more time, I will make it better

And when it feels so good
Oooh, it makes me crazy

Let your head go
Shake your body free
'Cause tonight the beat is gonna get you
Let your head go
Baby trip on me
One more time, I will make it better

Let your head go
Shake your body free
'Cause tonight the beat is gonna get you
Let your head go
Baby trip on me
One more time, I will make it better

Out Of Your Mind - Victoria Beckham feat. Dane Bowers

Who do you think you are?
Tellin' me I've gone too far
You must be out of your mind
Tellin' your friends I was buggin' you
That you weren't being true
Steppin' out of your mind

Open your eyes, boy you trouble me
Expensive lies, but you're playing for free
I gave you what you want, what you need
My time is a wastin', but for you its a breeze


(V.B.) You're out of your mind
Gonna make this really easy for you
(D.B.) I'm not out of my mind
(V.B.) Gonna show you I'm not crazy
Boy, you're wasting my time
(D.B.) I'm not wasting your time
(V.B.) You're out of your mind
(D.B.) You're out of your mind
Out of your mind

Thinking you were someone special
Time has shown and now I know
How wrong I have been
I'm always feelin' that you're usin' me, confusin' me, two-timin' me
I can't remember
How long has it been?

Open your eyes, boy you trouble me
Expensive lies, but you're playin' for free
I gave you what you want, what you need
My time is a wastin', but for you its a breeze


You sing a song when people jump on you
What this guy is saying can't be true
All I'm saying is that some girls should trip
Stop buggin' and buggin' me and if they want it, flip
I like despise

Open your eyes, girl you trouble me
Expensive lies, but you playin' for free
I gave you what you want, what you need
My time is a wastin', but for you its a breeze


True Steppers, you're out of your mind
Ice cream, you're out of your mind
Tub-a-lo, you're out of your mind
Dane, you're out of your mind
This tune's gonna punish you

Not Such An Innocent Girl - Victoria Beckham

Ooh-ooh baby
Hey, oh-whoa, baby
I'm not such an innocent girl

First impressions can be wrong
So let me clear what's going on
Baby I'm not who you think I am
I need to feel some lips on mine
So pulling you across the line
You think I'm the fragile one
One slip, the damage done

I'm not made of china
I'm not made of glass
Would it shatter your illusions if this angel had a past?

If you touch me I won't break
Don't think of me that way
I'm not such an innocent girl
Don't wrap me up in cotton wool (come on)
Upon a pedestal (oh whoa)
I'm not such an innocent girl
(I'm not such an innocent)

I've got a secret rose tattoo
I'm dying just to show you
I'm not as shy as you think I am, oh baby
It's time to take off those kid gloves
T.K.O me fall in love
Don't be scared you'll break my heart
Not gonna fall apart

I'm not made of diamond (ooh)
I'm not made of glass
Would it shatter your illusions if this angel had a past?

If you touch me I won't break (oh-oh)
Don't think of me that way
I'm not such an innocent girl (innocent girl)
Don't wrap me up in cotton wool (don't wrap me up, in cotton wool)
Upon a pedestal
I'm not such an innocent girl
(I'm not such an innocent, girl)

If you touch
If you touch me I
If you touch me I won't break
If you touch
If you touch me I
If you touch me I won't

If you touch me I won't break (oh-oh, oh whoa, whoa-yeah)
Don't think of me that way
I'm not such an innocent girl (innocent girl)
Don't wrap me up in cotton wool (come on, woo!)
Upon a pedestal
I'm not such an innocent girl (I'm dying just to show you)

If you touch me I won't break (I won't break)
Don't think of me that way
Not such an innocent girl
Don't wrap me (no-oh-whoa)
I'm not such an innocent girl

If you touch me I won't break (I won't break)
Don't think of me that way
I'm not such an innocent girl
Don't wrap me up in cotton wool (don't wrap me up, in cotton wool)
Upon a pedestal (Upon a pedastal)
I'm not such an innocent girl

If you touch me I won't break
(If you touch, no I won't fall apart)
Don't think of me that way
(No you won't break my heart)
I'm not such a innocent girl!

Take My Breath Away - Emma Bunton

If I told you how I feel about you
Would you say the same and
If I wrote it in a letter
Would you keep it or throw it away

I never thought I'd feel the way I'm feeling lately
When everything you seem to do just drives me crazy

Every waking day you take my breath away
With every word you say you take my breath away
You look at me that way, baby come what may
I hope that you'll always know how to take my breath away
How to take my breath away

If you told me how you feel about me
Things I did not know
If you said you'd fill my heart with all your loving
Til it overflowed
I don't know the way you feel but boy I'm hoping
I always used to hide a way, but now I'm open

Every waking day you take my breath away
With every word you say you take my breath away
You look at me that way, baby come what may
I hope that you'll always know how to take my breath away
How to take my breath away
Take my breath away
Take my breath away
Take my breath away
Every waking day you take my breath away
With every word you say you take my breath away
You look at me that way, baby come what may
I hope that you'll always know how to take my breath away
How to take my breath away
(How to take my breath away)
Take my breath away
Take my breath away
(How to take my breath away)
Take my breath away
Take my breath away
Take my breath away
Take my breath away

Crickets Sing For Anamaria - Emma Bunton

Hey Maria Papa said
You better go to bed
Maria Mama said
You better go to bed
And little sister said
You better go to bed
The older brother said
You heard what Papa said
You better say goodnight
You better shut the light
And Papa told you no
You can't go out tonight
But Papa didn't know
Maria had a date
And couldn't let him wait

So in a little while
She waited till the lights were low
She went out the window to her beau, and so

There's a lot of huggin' then
A lot of kissin' then
A lot of huggin' him
A lot of kissin' him
A lot of happy talk
A lot of moon above
But very little time
But very little time
To make a lot of love
To make a lot of love
Which is a normal thing
To make a lot of love
For it was summertime
When all the crickets sing
And in the summertime

When anyone's in love
The crickets sing a happy song
But they didn't do their repetoire for long

Suddenly the Papa came
And then the Mama came
And then the sister came
And then the brother came
And then the uncle came
And then the cousin came
And even person came
And I can tell you this
It was a dirty shame
Because the Papa came
And then the Mama came
And then the sister came
And then the brother came
And then the cousin came
And any person came
And I can tell you this

When anyone's in love
The crickets sing a happy song
But they didn't do their repetoire for long

Suddenly the Papa came
And then the Mama came
And then the sister came
And then the brother came
And then the uncle came
And then the cousin came
And even person came
And I can tell you this
It was a dirty shame
Because the Papa came
And then the Mama came
And then the sister came
And then the brother came
And then the uncle came
And then the cousin came
And even person came
And I can tell you

Suddenly the Papa came
And then the Mama came
And then the sister came
And then the brother came
And then the uncle came
And then the cousin came
And any person came
And I can tell you this
It was a dirty shame
Because the Papa came
And then the Mama came
And then the sister came
And then the brother came
And then the uncle came
And then the cousin came
And any person came
And I can tell you

Suddenly the Papa came
And then the Mama came
And then the sister came
And then the brother came
And then the uncle came
And then the cousin came
And any person came
And I can tell you this
It was a dirty shame
Because the Papa came
And then the Mama came
And then the sister came
And then the brother came
And then the cousin came

I'll Be There - Emma Bunton

Farewell the days,
Come melt the ice, on many a cold heart.
Till the clouds roll in
And then you'll find
They're frightened of the dark

Some may come and some may go
They meet you high then leave u low.
But I will always be the one who cares
I'll be there

I'll be there whenever u need a friend
Yeah I'll be there whenever u need a friend, I will be there baby

I may have to go in body, but my soul is with you still.
When u think of me, I'm by your side to guide u from all ill
We all need somebody who
We can always run onto
And I will always be the one for you,
I'll be there

I'll be there whenever u need a friend
Yeah I'll be there whenever u need a friend, I'll be there for u baby.

We all need somebody who
We can always run onto
And I will always be the one, for you
I'll be there

I'll be there whenever u need A friend
Yeah I'll be there whenever u need a friend I will be there baby

I'll be there whenever u need a friend I'll be there for u baby
I'll be there whenever u need a friend I'll be there for you baby.

We're Not Gonna Sleep Tonight - Emma Bunton

Ooh, uh-huh, yeah

Something 'bout your friends are always there for you
Help you with your bad times and they'll see you through
Being with a man is never quite the same
Cos we just have some fun and really play the game

I don't know where will go
But I know we're gonna stop the show

Girls are on the town tonight
Nothing can stop us
You can see it in our eyes
That we're not gonna sleep tonight

We're gonna get down tonight
See if we can make you blush
We can be mysterious
And we're not gonna sleep tonight

Tonight, we're not gonna sleep

We will find the time to party all night long
Now that we're together we just can't go wrong
Dancing in the street and making lots of noise
People wanna join especially the boys

But there's no way, it's just the girls
For tonight, we're in our own world

Girls on the town tonight
Nothing can stop us
You can see it in our eyes
That we're not gonna sleep tonight

We're gonna get down tonight
See if we can make you blush
We can be mysterious
And we're not gonna sleep tonight

We're not gonna sleep
We're not gonna sleep tonight
We're not gonna sleep tonight
We're not gonna sleep

Girls are on the town tonight
You can see it in our eyes
That we're not gonna sleep tonight

We're gonna get down tonight
We can be mysterious
And we're not gonna sleep (yeah)

Girls on the town tonight
Nothing can stop us (can stop us)
You can see it in our eyes
That we're not gonna sleep tonight (woo!)

We're gonna get down tonight (gonna get down tonight)
See if we can make you blush (see if we can make ya blush)
We can be mysterious
And we're not gonna sleep tonight

We're not gonna sleep tonight
(We're not gonna sleep tonight)
We're not gonna sleep
We're not gonna sleep tonight (tonight)
(We're not gonna sleep tonight)
We're not gonna sleep tonight

What Took You So Long - Emma Bunton

Yeah, yeah, yeah

Oh talk to me, can't you see
I'll help you work things out
Oh don't wannabe your enemy
And I don't wanna scream and shout

Cos baby I believe in honesty
And memories strong and true
I shouldn't have to say now baby
That I believe in you

What took you so long
What took you all night
What took you forever to see I'm right
You know I treat you so good
I make you feel fine
And no I'll never give it up this time
No, no, no

Oh you touched my heart, right from the start
You didn't know what to say
But honey i understand, when you take my hand
Everything's okay

Cos baby I believe reality
It's never far away
I've had enough, so listen baby
I've got something to say

What took you so long
What took you all night
What took you forever to see I'm right
You know I treat you so good
I make you feel fine
You know I'll never give it up this time

What took you so long (what took you so long)
What took you all night (what took you all night)
What took you forever to see I'm right
You know I treat you so good (I treat you so good)
I make you feel fine (I make you feel fine)
You know I'll never give it up this time
No, no, no

(No, no, no)
Oh whoa
No, no, no (no, no, no)
Oh whoa

Baby I believe in honesty
And memories strong and strong and true
I shouldn't have to say now baby
That I believe in you

What took you so long
What took you all night
What took you forever to see I'm right
You know I treat you so good
I make you feel fine
You know I'll never give it up this time

What took you so long (what took you so long)
What took you all night (what took you all night)
What took you forever to see I'm right
You know I treat you so good (I treat you so good)
I make you feel fine (I make you feel fine)
You know I'll never give it up this time

No, no, no

Downtown - Emma Bunton

When you're alone and life is making you lonely
You can always go - downtown
When you've got worries, all the noise and the hurry
Seems to help, I know - downtown
Just listen to the music of the traffic in the city
Linger on the sidewalk where the neon signs are pretty
How can you lose?

The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares
So go downtown, things'll be great when you're
Downtown - no finer place, for sure
Downtown - everything's waiting for you

Don't hang around and let your problems surround you
There are movie shows - downtown
Maybe you know some little places to go to
Where they never close - downtown
Just listen to the rhythm of a gentle bossa nova
You'll be dancing with him too before the night is over
Happy again

The lights are much brighter there
You can forget all your troubles, forget all your cares
So go downtown, where all the lights are bright
Downtown - waiting for you tonight
Downtown - you're gonna be all right now

And you may find somebody kind to help and understand you
Someone who is just like you and needs a gentle hand to
Guide them along

So maybe I'll see you there
We can forget all our troubles, forget all our cares
So go downtown, things'll be great when you're
Downtown - don't wait a minute more
Downtown - everything's waiting for you

Downtown, downtown, downtown, downtown...

Maybe - Emma Bunton

Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da

Love isn't funny
When it is burning inside
When all you think of
Is how to get through the night
And when you want it
It's just a game that you play
And when you get it
They're gonna take it away

Maybe it's nothing
Maybe it's all just in my mind
Maybe I'm foolish
Maybe it's just a waste of time

But I don't think so
Maybe I definitely know
That maybe
Maybe I'm in love

Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da

So if you want it
You wanna come out to play
Then you can have it
Cos he's got plans for the day
And if I want it
There's no one out there for me
When you don't need it
There's plenty fish in the sea

Maybe it's nothing
Maybe it's all just in my mind
Maybe I'm foolish
Maybe it's just a waste of time

But I don't think so
Maybe I definitely know
Why do I keep fooling myself
Why can't I let go
This is not like me
But now I definitely see
That maybe (oh-oh-oh-oh maybe)
Maybe I'm in love

Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da

But I don't think so (but I don't think so)
Maybe I definitely know (oh-oh-oh)
Why do I keep fooling myself (why)
Why can't I let go (why can't I let go)
This is not like me (this is not like me)
But now I definitely see (definitely)
That maybe (oh-oh-oh-oh maybe)
Maybe I'm in love

Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da

Love isn't funny
When it is burning inside
When all you think of
Is how to get through the night
And when you want it
It's just a game that you play
And when you get it
They're gonna take it away

Maybe it's nothing
Maybe it's all just in my mind
Maybe I'm foolish
Maybe it's just a waste of time

But I don't think so
Maybe I definitely know
Why do I keep fooling myself
Why can't I let go
This is not like me
But now I definitely see
That maybe (oh-oh-oh-oh maybe)
Maybe I'm in love

Ba da da da da
Ba da da da da da
Ba da da da da
Ba da da da da da
Ba da da da da
Ba da da da da da
Ba da da da da
Ba da da da da da

What I Am - Emma Bunton feat. Tin Tin Out

I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know, if you know what I mean
I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know, if you know what I mean

Philosophy is the talk on a cereal box
Religion is the smile on a dog
I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know, if you know what I mean, d-do ya?

Choke me in the shallow water
Before I get too deep

What I am is what I am
You what you are or what?
What I am is what I am
You what you are or what?

I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know, if you know what I mean

Philosophy, is a walk on the slippery rocks
Religion is a light in a fog
I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know, if you know what I mean, d-do ya?

Choke me in the shallow water
Before I get too deep
Choke me in the shallow water
Before I get too deep

What I am is what I am
You what you are or what?
What I am is what I am
You what you are or what?
What I am is what I am
You what you are or what you are?
What I am is what I am
You what you are or what?

Now, now, now, now
I say, I say, I say
I do hey-eh-eh-eh-eh-eh-ay

Choke me in the shallow water
Before I get too deep
Choke me in the shallow water
Before I get too deep

Don't let me get too deep
(What I am is what I am
You what you are or what?)
Don't let me get too deep
(What I am is what I am
You what you are or what?)
Don't let me get too deep
(What I am is what I am
You what you are or what you are)
Don't let me get too deep
(What I am is what I am
You what you are or what?)

What I am is what I am
You what you are or what?
What I am is what I am
You what you are or what?

What I am is what I am
You what you are or what

Mi Chico Latino - Geri Halliwell

Donde esta el hombre
Con fuego en la sangre

Ive got a secret. I cannot keep it
Its just a whisper of a distant memory
Just a dream, or so it seems
Take me back to the place I'd rather be

You left a fire in my eyes
That lightens up the darkest skies
I'm giving up I'm letting go
I'll find my way so

Take me back to my sweet la vida
Find my love my dolce vita
Show me where I need to go
Donde esta mi chico latino
La la la la
La la la

Stolen moments time has broken
My eyes are open to this life-long mystery
And so I'll go with what I know
Take my chances and run with destiny

Now there's fire in my eyes
I'll break away and say goodbye
I'm free to be I'm letting go
I'll find my way so

(Repeat chorus)

Que sueño, dolce y pequeño
Yo no se yo no se
Pero no es un cuento
Mi corazon con tormento
Chico latino te quiero oh simplemente deseo
Yo lo se el camino
Es un sueño latino

(Repeat chorus)

(Take me back to my sweet la vida)
Take me back
Find my find my find mylove my dolce vita
Show me where I need to go
Donde esta mi chico latino

Ride It - Geri Halliwell

I'll be riding it
I'll be riding it

Wanna make some music
To take me in and out of my head
Get into my groove
In time with my body instead

And when the bass kicks in
I can feel my song beginning
Boy your lovin’ gets me high
‘Cause you're the only one
Who can pump it loud the way I like

You're a DJ I'm a song
Take me out and turn me on
Let yourself go

Ah you're riding it

Chicas bumping to the beat
From the side and underneath
Yeah my body's where this party's at

I'll be riding it

When you're spinning in
I'll be riding it

He’s a little rude and nasty
His tempo is an overload
He gets jiggy with it here
But all I wanna do is vogue

And when the bass kicks in
I can dance like no one's watching
It's a funny kind of feeling
‘Cause you're the only one
Who can pump it loud the way I like

You're a DJ I'm a song
Take me out and turn me on
Let yourself go

I'll be riding it

Chicas bumping to the beat
From the side and underneath
Yeah my body's where this party's at

I'll be riding it

When you're spinning in
I'll be riding it

When you're spinning in
I'll be riding it

And when the bass kicks in
I can dance like no one's watching
It's a funny kind of feeling
‘Cause you're the only one
Who can pump it loud the way I like

You're a DJ I'm a song
Take me out and turn me on
Let yourself go

I'll be riding it

Chicas bumping to the beat
From the side and underneath
Yeah my body's where this party's at

I'll be riding it

You're a DJ I'm a song
Take me out and turn me on

When you're spinning in
I'll be riding it

Chicas bumping to the beat
From the side and underneath
Turn me on

When you're spinning in
I'll be riding it

When you're spinning in
I'll be riding it

When you're spinning in
I'll be riding it

I'll be riding it

Scream If You Wanna Go Faster - Geri Halliwell

Lonely hearts are welcome here
Take my hand let's disappear
Serenity is almost here oh Lord

Don't let life pass you by
Jump on in, get ready to fly

Gimme some, gimme some gasoline
Tell me what you want, know what I mean
And scream if you wanna go faster baby
(Scream if you wanna go faster)
Scream if you wanna go faster
(Scream if you wanna go faster)

Leave behind the walk of shame
Take my hand, you're not to blame
Surrender to what you can't change oh God

Don't let love pass you by
Let it in, don't ask why

Gimme some, gimme some gasoline
Tell me what you want, know what I mean
And scream if you wanna go faster baby
(Scream if you wanna go faster)
Scream if you wanna go faster
(Scream if you wanna go faster)

Gimme some, gimme some sweet F.A.
Have a nice day as American's say
And scream if you wanna go faster baby
(Scream if you wanna go faster)
Scream if you wanna go faster
(Scream if you wanna go faster)

(Scream if you wanna go faster)
(Scream if you wanna go faster)
(Scream if you wanna go faster)

Gimme some, gimme some gasoline
Tell me what you want, know what I mean
And scream if you wanna go faster baby
(Scream if you wanna go faster)
Scream if you wanna go faster
(Scream if you wanna go faster)

Gimme some, gimme some sweet F.A.
Have a nice day as American's say
And scream if you wanna go faster baby
(Scream if you wanna go faster)
Scream if you wanna go faster
(Scream if you wanna go faster)

Scream if you wanna go faster baby
(Scream if you wanna go faster)
Scream if you wanna go faster
(Scream if you wanna go faster)

(Scream if you wanna go faster)
(Scream if you wanna go faster)

Desire - Geri Halliwell

I’m a sure-fire pussy cat
I ain’t gunna tell you that
I’m giving myself away
You’re a real catch that’s a fact
I ain’t gunna tell you that
Baby I want you to stay

My fever’s high your tide is low
Just don’t forget to love me
No no no no

Whatever you sold me
Whatever you feed me
It’s taking me over and over
I’m the cat that can fight it
Whenever I need it
Your kiss kills me with

Young gun you’re the one
Lift me up and take me on
Just like you did in my dream
Sweet man I know you can
But I would never tell you that
Baby I’m diggin’ your scene

My fever’s high let’s roll the dice
But don’t forget I love you
No no no no

Whatever you sold me
Whatever you feed me
It’s taking me over and over
I’m the cat that can fight it
Whenever I need it
Your kiss kills me with

You’re contagious, I’m confusing
We can take this anywhere we like it
You’re amazing, so amusing
Your kiss kills me with desire

Whatever you sold me
Whatever you feed me
It’s taking me over and over
I’m the cat that can fight it
Whenever I need it
Your kiss kills me with

Lift Me Up - Geri Halliwell

Watch the first light
Kiss the new world
It's a wonder, baby like you and I
All the colours of the rainbow
Going somewhere, baby like you and I

It's gonna be alright
But when my sky clouds over

(Lift me up) when the day is over
(Take me up) when the sun is going down
(Show me love) and I'll be your angel now
(Lift me up) when the lights are fading
(Talk me down) when I'm flying way up high
(Show me love) and I'll be your angel for life
Your angel for life

Like the seasons ever changing
Everlasting baby like you and I
It's gonna be alright
But when my sky clouds over


No matter where we run
Who knows what we will become
Is there a world we know
Where life will naturally


Calling - Geri Halliwell

The sun is going down on me
As she surrenders to the sea
So steal the night and fly with me
I'm calling, I'm calling

The moon is high on me and you
Is my message breaking through
Darkened skies that once were blue
Are falling
(So hear me now)

Calling out your name
Burning on the flame
Playing the waiting game
In my calling
In my calling

(Forever and ever)

Through distant lands, through mountain streams
My river's running through your dreams
There's an ocean in between
Forever and ever

Chasing shadows through the years
I whisper softly to my dear
Be sure to know that I am here
(So hear me now)

Calling out your name
(A wish that could come true)
Burning on the flame
(I'm reaching out to you)
Playing the waiting game
In my calling
In my calling

Whispers in the air
(I dream you into life)
Hear a lover's prayer
(I pray for you tonight)
I can feel you there
In my calling
In my calling

No man is an island
That's an empty sin
Discovery is a journey
Just have to let me in

Calling out your name
(A wish that could come true)
Burning on the flame
(I'm reaching out to you)
Playing the waiting game
In my calling
In my calling

Whispers in the air
(I dream you into life)
Hear a lover's prayer
(I pray for you tonight)
I can feel you there
In my calling
In my calling

No man is an island
(A wish that could come true)
That's an empty sin
(I'm reaching out to you)
So steal the night and fly with me
I'm calling
Hear my calling

Look At Me - Geri Halliwell

Good looking, Bad tasting
Full-bodied, butt wasted
Loose living, tight-fitting
What you see ain't what you are gettting
Big make-up, little break-up
She wants it, he's got it
Cold blooded, hot gossip
Superficial expectations

Look at me, you can take it all
Because this face is free
Maybe next time use your eyes and
look at me
I'm a drama queen if that's your
thing, baby, I can even do reality

Fake money, real plastic
Stupid cupid, fantastic
Queer thinking straight talking
What you see ain't what you are getting
Fast loving, slow moving
No rhythm, but I'm grooving
Old feeling, new beginning
Superficial expectations

Look at me, you can take it all
Because this face is free
Maybe next time use your eyes and
look at me
I'm a drama queen if that's your
thing, baby, I can even do reality

Sometimes I don't recognize my own face
I look inside my eyes and find disgrace
My little white lies tell a story
I see it all, it has no glory
Hah (laugh)

Look at me, you can take it all
Because this face is free
Maybe next time use your eyes and
look at me
I'm a drama queen if that's your
thing, baby, I can even do reality

Come on and look at me
This face is free
I'm your fantasy
So who d'you wanna be
Not what you see
I'm a drama queen if that's your thing
Come on & look at me
I'm your fantasy
This face is free
Come on & look at me
So who do you wanna be
This face is free

It's Raining Men - Geri Halliwell

Humidity’s rising
Barometer's getting low
According to all sources
The street's the place to go
Cause tonight for the first time
Just about half-past ten
For the first time in history
It's gonna start raining men.

It's raining men! Hallelujah!
It's raining men! Amen!
It's raining men! Hallelujah!
It's raining men! Amen! OW!

Humidity’s rising
Barometer's getting low
According to all sources
The street's the place to go
Cause tonight for the first time
Just about half-past ten
For the first time in history
It's gonna start raining men.

It’s raining men! Hallelujah!
It’s raining men! Amen
I'm gonna go out, I’m gonna let myself get,
Absolutely soaking wet!
It's raining men! Hallelujah!
It's raining men! Every specimen!
Tall, blonde, dark and lean
Rough and tough and strong and mean

God bless Mother Nature, she's a single woman too
She took on a heaven and she did what she had to do
She taught every angel to rearrange the sky
So that each and every woman could find her perfect guy

It's raining men!
Spoken: Go get yourself wet girl, I know you want to.

I …feel…stormy…weather…moving… in
About to begin
Rip off the roof and stay in bed!

It's raining men! Hallelujah!
It's raining men! Amen!
It's raining men! Hallelujah!
It's raining men! Amen!

It's raining men! Hallelujah!
It's raining men! Amen!
It's raining men! Hallelujah!
It's raining men! Amen!

It's raining men, it's raining men,
It's raining men, it's raining men,
It's raining men, it's raining men,
It's raining men, it's raining men

Do It Again - The Chemical Brothers

I've seen it pumped electric
I've seen it pumped electric
I've seen it pumped electric etc.


Oh my God, what have I done?
All I wanted was a little fun
Got a brain like bubble gum
Blowing up my cranium

All insane

Take my face and take my drug
Hold my bone up to the sun
Bang my drum and paint my face
On my plane to hyperspace

Desesperada - Marta Sanchez

Soy una mujer normal,
una rosa blanca de metal
pero en este amanecer
el dolor me vuelve de papel. Camino bajo el sol
pero es invierno en mi corazón.
Así estoy yo... Desesperada
porque nuestro amor
es una esmeralda que un ladrón robó.
porque ya no sé
dónde está mi sueńo ni por qué se fue.
No tengo a donde ir,
sin tí.
Solo puedo repetir,
Desesperada. Pero tengo que seguir,
queda mucha vida por vivir en mí,
y de pronto llegará
un amor que no se marchará jamás.
Seré feliz con él
y en su mirada yo me perderé
y no estaré...


Pero tengo que salir de aquí,

tengo que escapar al fin
de tí, de mí
y dejar la oscuridad
sepultada en la profundidad
del mar. Camino bajo el sol
pero es invierno en mi corazón.
Así estoy yo...


Arena Y Sol - Marta Sanchez

El deseo pone libertad
En el esplendor de los cuerpos.
Tú me besas con sabor a sal,
Con sabor a sal yo te beso.
Lentamente, suavemente.

Arena y sol, el mar azul,
Contigo yo, conmigo tú.
Espuma blanca, dorado amor,
De arena y sol.

La marea canta su canción
Una sensación de aventura.
Y caemos en la tentación
De volver a hacer más locuras.
Bajo un cielo, como fuego.


Lentamente, suavemente.


Quiero Más De Ti - Marta Sanchez

No quiero lunas que me iluminen.
No quiero soles que me fascinen.
Para ser simplemente feliz
quiero más de ti.

Si yo te pido dos,
tu me regalas mil.
Todo es poco para mí.
Concibes el amor
como algo al por mayor,
pero eso no es así.
No debes confundir
dentro del corazón
el precio y el valor.

No quiero lunas que me iluminen.
No quiero soles que me fascinen.
Para ser simplemente feliz
quiero más de ti.

Intenta comprender
que un mundo material
nos aconseja mal ... siempre.
Si aprecias de verdad
mi sensibilidad,
dame lo que debes dar... dame.
En una simple flor
se esconde tanto amor
que no hace falta más.

No quiero lunas que me iluminen.
No quiero soles que me fascinen.
Para ser simplemente feliz
quiero más de ti.

De la luna sólo quiero el resplandor.
Del sol, todo el calor.
Vente conmigo a ver amanecer
para sentir y para entender
que en este amor somos sólo tú y yo,
que con amor todo sabe mejor,
que mi amor es tu amor.

No quiero lunas que me iluminen.
No quiero soles que me fascinen.
Para ser simplemente feliz
quiero más de ti.

Dime La Verdad - Marta Sanchez

Me pregunto mil veces
quién gobierna mi vida,
quién dirige mi mente
junto a la de los demás.

Qué poderes en la sombra
juegan con mi voluntad,
una máquina los nombra
para podernos controlar.

Dime la verdad,
dime su secreto.
Toda la verdad,
no le tengas miedo.

Somos unas marionetas,
otros mueven los hilos.
No se quitan la careta,
no sabemos cómo son.

Utilizan las palabras
sólo para confundir.
Yo no sé si la esperanza
conseguirá sobrevivir.


Qué poderes en la sombra
juegan con mi voluntad,
una máquina los nombra
para podernos controlar.

Soy Yo - Marta Sanchez

Soy yo, la que sigue aquí.
Soy yo, te lo digo a ti.
Mírame y díme qué es lo que ves,
esa mujer que perdiste una vez.
Aquí estoy, sin mirar atrás.
Sigo mi vida sin más,
sin comprender cómo ni por qué
me dejaste marchar.
Todo te pude dar.

Estuve al borde del abismo por tu amor.
Lejos de tu mar, me siento más firme.
ˇQuédate dónde estás!

Soy yo la que se marchó.
Soy yo, sin pedir perdón.
Mírame y díme cuál es la verdad,
esa será, tu sentencia final.

Hoy al fin podré disfrutar
de lo que es libertad.
Creo que llegado el final
no hay más que decir.
Me despido de tí.

No me molestes, no me busques,
no me encontrarás
lejos de tu sal.
Me siento más cerca
de este dulce final.


Pudiste tenerme,
quisiste perderme oh oh.
Remo lejos de tu tempestad
(en calma quedará).
Sin tus velas lo podré lograr
(no supiste amar).

... Soy yo la que sigue aquí.
Soy yo ya te lo advertí.
Mírame bien, es la última vez.
Soy esa mujer que no podrás tener...nose q mas
y como seguia ka cancion
(no podrás tener).


Soy yo la que se marchó.
Soy yo, sin pedir perdón.
Mírame y díme cuál es la verdad,
esa será, tu sentencia final.
Pudiste tenerme.

Superstar - Marta Sanchez

Ya se encendieron las luces, te vuelvo a encontrar.
Haces que en cada escenario me sienta especial.
Nunca me di por vencida, soy fuerte.
No quiero ser una más.
Te necesito a mi lado, hoy vuelvo a empezar.

Tengo para ti...toda mi ilusión.
Eres para fuerza y el valor.
Me haces brillar, contigo olvido lo peor.
Y nunca podré devolverte todo tu calor.

Si hay un secreto en mi, es ser de verdad.
No quiero ser para ti la estrella fugaz.
Nada sin ti habremos logrado, ahora tengo mi lugar.
Cuánto valor me has dado para continuar.

Tengo para ti...toda mi ilusión.
Eres para fuerza y el valor.
Me haces brillar, contigo olvido lo peor.
Y nunca podré devolverte todo tu calor.

I'm here to stay

Tengo para ti...toda mi ilusión.
Eres para fuerza y el valor.
Me haces brillar, contigo olvido lo peor.
Y nunca podré devolverte todo tu calor.

Tengo para ti.

The Best Damn Thing - Avril Lavigne

Let me hear you say hey hey hey
Alright, now let me hear you say hey hey ho

I hate it when a guy doesn't get the door
Even though I told him yesterday and the day before
I hate it when a guy doesn't get the tab
And I have to pull my money out and that looks bad (yeah)

Where are the hopes, where are the dreams
My Cinderella story scene
When do you think they'll finally see

That you're not not not gonna get any better
You won't won't won't you won't get rid of me never
Like it or not even though she's a lot like me
We're not the same
And yeah yeah yeah I'm a lot to handle
You don't know trouble I'm a hell of a scandal
Me I'm a scene I'm a drama queen
I'm the best damn thing
that your eyes have ever seen

Alright, alright yeah

I hate it when a guy doesn't understand
Why a certain time of month
I don't want to hold his hand
I hate it when they go out and we stay in
And they come home smelling
like their ex-girlfriend

But I found my hopes I found my dreams
My Cinderella story scene
Now everybody's gonna see

That you're not not not gonna get any better
You won't won't won't you won't get rid of me never
Like it or not even though she's a lot like me
We're not the same
And yeah yeah yeah I'm a lot to handle
You don't know trouble I'm a hell of a scandal
Me I'm a scene I'm a drama queen
I'm the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen

Give me an A, always give me what I want
Give me a V, be very very good to me
R, are you gonna treat me right
I, I can put up a fight
Give me an L, let me hear you scream loud

One two three four

Where are the hopes, where are the dreams
My Cinderella story scene
When do you think they'll finally see

That you're not not not gonna get any better
You won't won't won't you won't get rid of me never
Like it or not even though she's a lot like me
We're not the same
And yeah yeah yeah I'm a lot to handle
You don't know trouble I'm a hell of a scandal
Me I'm a scene I'm a drama queen
I'm the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen

Let me hear you say hey hey hey
Alright, now let me hear you say hey hey ho

I'm the best damn thing that your eyes have ever seen